Serving Annapolis, MD & Beyond

Organization is essential

Everyday clutter can keep us from finding peace. Your home should be a haven - a place to find relief from the pressures of the outside world, a place to cultivate your inner life and enjoy time with friends and family. If your home causes stress, it may be time to hire a professional organizer!

Staying organized is hard work.

We believe it is worth the effort.

What we offer at Heart and Home Organizing goes beyond a one-time organizing session –– we will help you with your immediate needs, but also empower you to change your mindset and break the cycle of clutter. We will help you get organized and stay organized. 

We also understand that often times the things we own aren’t just things –– many of our possessions have sentimental value which remind us of people, places, and times in our life that we want to remember. We know how crucial it is that your stuff fits into your space and that you are able to find what you need when you need it.  With gentleness, compassion, creativity, care, and efficiency, we will help you bring order to your home and to your life. 

We exist to bring peace, calm, and order to your heart and home!

In the news

Redfin Magazine Feature

We were featured in Redfin Magazine’s article “20 Stylish Yet Functional Ways to Make the Most of Small Space Living,” which included the following tip for organizing pantries!


Remove brand labels from storage containers and items from their original packaging. Original packaging takes up a lot of space and brand labels and price tags cause a lot of visual clutter, making your space look like it’s full of more stuff than it actually is.

Read the full article here.